
Trackers fans and friends,

Sometimes we bring a lot of our outside lives into the woods. Sometimes, we get lucky enough to work through those challenges there. And sometimes, we're even smart enough to leave that stuff out in the woods, buried under a tree, so that all the things we carry* can absorb back into the great, green, glowing sphere of life instead of pushing us down into grief and misery.

That's what happened to me this week. As a result, I don't have a regular post for you. Something quite a bit different came up for me, and I wrote it up as a three-part fiction story on my other blog.

You can read all about it here.

I wish I had more for you, but I cannot write anymore. Writing that story took everything I had. Everything.

For those keeping track, we stretched some sheep hides, tried to start fires, and fletched some arrows. There was a bevvy of great and difficult moments, some of which did inspire the story I wrote today, but I cannot do them justice right now.

Yours In Searching,


*With apologies to Mr. Tim O'Brien.

Photo taken by Grey.

Photo taken by Grey.